Support Us

In an ever-unpredictable and polarising world, we need your support and awareness more than ever to prevent the slow and hidden erosions of our democracies and to ultimately use Intelligence and Security for good.

Most donations are tax-deductible and directly used to support our work and the people we work for; nothing is left behind, and it is illegal for us to make a profit. All financial records are publicly available.

Together, you can help us work to reduce polarization and radicalization in our society. 

Your donation will help us go the extra mile to continue our vital research and follow every single lead possible. This will allow us to be one step ahead of the subversive actors and organizations designed to topple and undermine the protections and rights that our democracies allow us to all live in prosperity and freedom.

Your donation is managed and processed by Justice for Prosperity as part of the WhoDis Project.